Step 7: Create Must-Have Pages on Your Author Blog

Legal Pages For Your Website Banner

I want to start off by saying I’m not a lawyer, I don’t even play one on tv.  So please consult with an attorney to get legal advice any before making any decisions. I merely want to put a few topics on your radar so you are well equipped to get the information you need.

So here are few things that you want to make sure you have covered on your site. I would recommend creating Pages for this content. Whereas most blog posts or new articles will be created as a post.  They are essentially the same thing, but A page is a little better should you plan on updating this content over time. Watch the video below to learn how to create pages on your new author website.

  • About Page: Make sure you take the time to tell your readers about who you are.  Add a photo, or video, or maybe both. This is a chance to have your readers get to know you a bit better. Start building your relationships and brand here.
  • FTC Disclosure: If you plan on making money from your site. Ie. Using affiliate link to Amazon to go back to your books to get a little boost in revenue or any other affiliate programs. You need to let your readers know that. A) because it’s the right thing to do, and B) it’s the law.  I have Disclosure language throughout this site.  Here is an example of the permanent sidebar location.
Example of FTC Website Disclosure

Example of FTC Website Disclosure

  • Terms and Conditions Pages:  You can Use a Free Terms and Conditions Template for your New Author Website Here.
  • Privacy Policy: You can find a free Privacy Policy Template here
  • GDPR Compliance: This is a huge newish topic as of May 2018.  Here is a video that explains it a bit better. You may not be based in Europe but the beauty of having your own author website is that you can sell books and gain readers from all over the world. So you want to make sure you are GDPR compliant.